Dallas Makerspace Show and Tell - May 2017

If this maker isn’t already on Talk please encourage them to join. I’d love to know more about this.


This is so cool, and I really like the message. I’m not that interested in doing this for shirts, but I will be watching for the next printing on paper class.


There is one currently on the calendar.

If you can somehow manage to get the prerequisite in time, there are also a couple dates that have a more advanced paper screen printing class posted:


Thanks! I just registered for the class on the 7th! I will keep an eye out to see if I can get the prerequs for the other classes before then.

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Tell him I said hello, and that it’s beautiful.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: @Darcy_Neal being awesome!

Another shy poster i wanted share. This massive copper clad frame will house a mirror with architectural lights recessed behind the frame


That’s neat :slight_smile:

Which DMS tools did they use? Do they want this to be included on the Show and Tell blog post?

Please let our “shy members” know that the following information really helps! :dms: :plasmacam_smiley:

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I would love to see more people post things of this positive creative vein. However a lot of them do not feel comfortable posting here which is unfortunate.

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Absolutely ~ Same here! The Show and Tell threads and blog posts are all about showing off all of the various creative, resourceful, durable, and technically awesome things that Makers Make at Dallas Makerspace! :heart_eyes:

[quote="Kriskat30, post:81, topic:20900"] However a lot of them do not feel comfortable posting here which is unfortunate. [/quote]

That’s a bummer for them… :confused:

The Show and Tell threads have some of the most interesting and awesome posts on TALK, and tend to get a LOT of positive reactions! :smile:

If they have a change of heart and want to brag on themselves by posting things they’ve made at the 'Space, we would love to showcase them in the monthly Show and Tell blogs along with all the rest of us who do enjoy sharing our creations! :smiley:

Was talking with him tonight while he was riveting the copper sheets. This is beautiful. If you are at the Space, go take a look up close, the treatments he did the various copper pieces are fantastic … Steampunkers will drool.


Where is it right now? I love to see different treatments on copper

It is pretty neat! Does he have a name to include on the blog post, or should the posts about his project be moved to a thread under the #interest-groups:projects category? Thx! :slight_smile:

Austin; Im afraid I dont know his last name…

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I love this so much.

From the Leather Field Notes Cover Project class.

We used 3/4oz brown leather with a waxy finish. All pieces were saddle stitched using 1mm waxed linen thread.


he let me grommet one with his automatic grommet thing gun to see what it was like. It’s delicious. He’s working on a little table for a jager-machine now (for a bar)

Austin Michael Haylock


It’s not a Delicious. It’s a different brand with a decent reputation though. Here is a link to the exact gun.

Campbell Hausfeld Pop Rivet Gun (CL153900AV) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E3T0XLU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_1DI8Me2QuySDc

I’ve done about 1,100 rivets on the mirror and the gun was WELL worth the $60 investment.

I will be heading back up to DMS this evening to finish the wiring and start on the epoxy coating. I hope to be all done by Thursday night for a Friday morning delivery.


Thanks to all for the kind words.

I will try to check back periodically to answer any questions.