Dallas Makerspace Show and Tell - February 2017

Pieces ready to be loaded in the kiln to fire :wink:


Folks busy getting their enameled pieces ready to fire :slight_smile:


Science/Biology Group:
DNA Plasmid Transfection class, succesful Genetic Engineering of Ecoli
Successful germination of Tobacco seeds in plant tissue culture, still working on Orchid Tissue culture, not an easy one.


I built a coffee table for some friends. They wanted to stain and paint it so this is just unfinished poplar.

Had some help glueing and sanding from @MellissaRhodes


DMS Weather Project

Thanks to all the wonderful people who made this project possible.

We are now broadcasting on Wunderground. The goals of this project is to invite other members to install their own sensors, collect data for science experiments and to assist others in building their own personal weather stations.

If you are ever at the space get on the DMS MEMBER network and type this IP Address: into your web browser to check out our own weather page.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: DMS Weather Project: Build Log

Made my own Maker Stamp for leatherworking. Many thanks to @Webdevel for sharing his experiences to help me dial in the laser settings more quickly.

Other than having to rebuild my Inkscape image from scratch in ADobe Illustrator and forgetting to mirrror the stamp before cutting on my first iteration, things went pretty smoothly. I used a Dremel to chamfer the outer edges so that the rim of the rod wouldn’t mar the surface of the leather when stamping.

Worked ok when hit with a hammer. Worked even better using a vice as a press.


That turned out great!

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YES!!! Looks great!!! I bet if you wait a bit after wetting the leathers so the inside is moist but the outside is not as much, the impression will be better.

So far ahead of my pay grade. Gosh that’s impressive.

Sounds like that “patience” thing I keep hearing about. :slight_smile:


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: How to Make a Maker Stamp for Leatherworking

Made 8 foot trailer ramps.


Very nice! Are those welded steel frame with screwed on wood treads? Is that a special paint to create that texture?

Yes, got some 1/4 steel and pieced it together. Took a DMS welding and wood shop classes. Wood paint is textured deck paint for more tire traction.


This is my first thing on the vinyl cutter. I think I started too big, it took four tries to get it applied without folding up and crap.


So I made these today. One is a quilted panel, seen in door panels & dashes. It was made by putting on the slip roll first then to the harbor freight brake.

The next is a cube made out of one piece of sheet steel with “DMS” cut into.


Love it, now have to go watch a box set of MST3K.


You do good sheet man. (sorry couldn’t help myself). I remember you talking about doing this the other day. When will there be an advanced class … be sure to wear your Baileigh hat!

Some new tools for automotive, etorx set, nice pliers, swivel sockets (cheaped out on the swivel sockets instead of getting the professional quality set)