Committee Wants vs Needs In Expansion

There was once discussion about using something like a sump pump to take waste water to an existing drain.

Is that not allowed by code or not practical?

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Taking over the entire building is our Manifest Destiny™, but not for a number of years.


That will be one of the possible cost reduction solutions that will be looked at. Installation of a sump pump is legal if installed by a licensed plumber. Do you know of any licensed plumbers that are members of DMS?


Can this be separated into 2 threads, please?

One would be about Expansion questions.

The second would be about Committee wants and needs.

This second one is a can of worms. The Expansion Committee did lots of work to get Committees right-sized in the available space. To go back and ask for something more or different will be a challenge to what was decided. Committee X decides they need 100 more square feet. Committee Y should give it up. Ad infinitum.

Please be thoughtful before asking for changes.


Thanks for the lighthearted response Rich :grinning:

I was more asking about amenities like power, ventilation, access to water, special floor finishes, stuff like that. I feel like the planning fight for space is pretty well managed in the floor plan, though I’m sure we will see walking line when people move in.

@Diplomat, who is asking for more space? I think it is the amenities being discussed mainly. But, I could of missed something.

The sink discussion was going on.

I can see space considerations coming up next.

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The sink discussion is pertinent because putting one in along the north wall is very expensive and we may be able to defer it for later or not do it at all.

It seems to me that by some folks definition the only committees with needs are
glass and printmaking since that are spaceless, everyone else is making do
with what they have now

If the sink isn’t put in in the north east zone (near where fired arts will be), where is the closest water source/sink for cleaning?

Edit: To be clear, the question isn’t an attempt to ‘lead’ or prove a point one way or the other necessarily. I legit don’t know the answer.


Bathroom off the new Galley?

More classrooms are a big need

Sorry, I clarified. I don’t think we are allowed to clean any of our clay things in regular sinks.

Glad I was able to get the point across!

When you’re looking for huge cuts (as I assume we are) the definition of a need to have should be very clear.

Generally speaking I figure it breaks down like this:

Need - enough space for the tools and to be able to safely operate them, enough power/air/exhaust for basic operation
Want - things that make operating the tools easier, faster, allow usage in more advanced ways, etc

Good question, a sump Is worth revisiting as a possible cost savings. I’ll look back into it Thanks.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Expansion committee official update

The sink in #102 by Printmaking if it has a clay trap. Otherwise, the same place as now.

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Ah, if that’s the case then a clay trap in the Printmaking sink is likely a high priority. That is a lot of sq footage and several doors between the new fired arts area and the old sink.

The hardest part of the trek to clean up equipment with the current set up (for me at least) is the door, especially with it being a badged door.

I’m sure they will figure out out something. Interesting to know, wasn’t sure whether they had planned for a clay trap in that sink near printmaking or not.

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Glass has requested a trap put in that sink we are right next to it also. We need to be able to rinse glass that has been grinded.

If one is not planned I will be happy to discuss the expense of one being installed split glass/ceramics and bring the info to the glass committee to vote on.

Thank you,
Anita Willis

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You guys don’t have to carry the buckets of water & others. Dolly’s work well for this. A sink with a associated sump pump can be added at a later date.