Build a 80m receiver class

Continuing the discussion from Build a radio transmitter class.

I’m looking to gauge the interest in building this extremely-simple 80m transceiver:

The only iffy part is the crystal, but I’m sure I can dig some up somewhere.

Who might be interested? Parts cost should be pretty minimal.


Sounds like fun! If I don’t have a calendar conflict I’ll definitely sign up, despite not knowing what a 80m receiver does. :sunglasses:

It would be awesome if there were more AR classes on the calendar in general, so I say go for it.

Calendar permitting, I would sign up.

What’s CW?

Ancient inefficient form of communication.

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What kind of crystal? Think Walter had a placed he liked for that kind of thing.

CW = Continuous Wave. Generally the rf is either on or off - hence great for dots and dashes.

Ease of use - CW loses.

Speed - for almost all users - CW loses.

It was a tongue in cheek remark, but not a joke.

I personally despise CW. If you enjoy it, by all means carry on.

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I’d love it, though I can’t copy for crap, and I hope it is as you say a fairly minimal cost as I’m on a pretty tight budget.

An arduino based CW decoder project might make an interesting follow up class for this project. I know that the goal and joy of CW is that you can uses minimal equipment, but I’ve been butting my head against it off an on for years and can’t get my ears and brain to move past trying to count the dits and dahs. With something like this you would listening while watching the decoder which I think might help.

That does look interesting. Once we get this business set up and running I should have a little more free cash and I’ll revisit that. For now I’m using an android app called Morse Toad.