Basic Woodshop Class

Recently, I attempted to register for a class that is a continuation of a class I took on making a hand plane. It is going to be taught on Thursday. I received the message below. I took the intro class back last year, but it wasn’t the new and improved “woodshop basics” class. I’ve previously taught the basic class and I’ve used every tool just about in the wood shop at one time or another. I’m on the wood shop committee and yet I cannot take a continuation class or at least register for it.

Event Registration
Building a wood hand plane II - tuning and shaping a smoothing plane
Notice! This event requires completion of the Woodshop Basics prerequisite. Check the calendar for classes which fulfill this prerequisite. Have you met the Woodshop Basics prerequisite? Let us know and we’ll update our records accordingly.

Can someone please add me to the wood shop basics list or do I have to take the class again? I’ve taken the CNC class and the lathe class, too.

I posted something in the discussion about Matt’s class, but then I thought I’m probably not the only one with this issue. Last night @MikeD and I worked on the router. Previously he told me he wasn’t on the list either. I’ll bet @mkart hasn’t taken the class either and he’s teaching the class.

Maybe we can have the restriction removed from the class on the calendar.

@AlexRhodes can we change the class I entered to not require the woodshop basics class?


As event owner, you may be able to go to the event in the calendar system and edit/change the event yourself, i.e. remove the WSB requirement. I hope/assume that wouldn’t then cause it to be resubmitted for three day waiting period…?

@coloneldan, this issue was noted and discussed and weighed-in on by Committee Chair: Woodshop Basics - Class Announcements and Discussion.


I tried to remove it but it was greyed out.

This is a much larger issue than just you @coloneldan. I am also in this bucket, and opened a ticket last week. I can take the advanced CNC router class, but can’t take Router Basics. Essentially, the only ones who are currently take classes that have this requirement are the individuals who have taken the class since 1/1/16. Woodshop committee is aware, but no decision has been made yet (that I’m aware of) as to what to do about all the members who have taken it prior to 1/1/16.

Anyone who is in the same boat please add to this post so we can press the wood shop chair to make a determination on all of us. It seems a little unfair to have to take the basics course again after using the wood shop for over a year.

So are you for or against the current status quo?

I’m in favor of grandfathering everyone who previously took the class. If there is a new piece of equipment, like a new lathe of the sawstop, it might be necessary to have individual training on those tools, but it is not practical to have everyone who had previously been trained in wood shop basics to take the training again. Meanwhile,some of us are in limbo and it is preventing me and others from registering for a class.

I’m all in favor of protecting and taking care of our tools, I’m also in favor of the new class registration system, but right now it is an impediment to me enjoying the benefits I previously had.

We do understand the issues, and yes, we’re planning to meet and make a decision.

The issue isn’t a simple one. The class taught before 1/16 wasn’t so much a class, but a walk-through of the tools. We started teaching the new class because the old class was so woefully inadequate. Likewise, there was no attendance taken, and so we’d have to take everyone’s word for it - and I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve had people lie to me personally about whether they’ve taken the class or not.

Compounding the problem, is that often its the oldest users who treat the tools most carelessly, refuse to clean up after themselves, and generally display a lack of care.

That being said, we have no desire to stir up a bunch of anger, and cause people grief.

Regardless of what the Committee ultimately decides to do, I figure the right guys (and gals) will step up and take the class, and be a good example to the rest. Two hours of time, isn’t much, to show everyone you give a damn, and want to be a team player, follow the rules, and do things right, instead of demanding a special concession not afforded to the people who followed you. But that’s just me. I’m an optimist about such things.

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I am also In the same boat. I took the wood shop basics and at the time it took over 2 hours to complete. It was taught by Brian (I think that is his name, the guy that makes bee hives) it was his first time teaching. It was a hands on class.

My issue with the new system was that there was no warning saying that it was a requirement to take the class again. I also wanted to sign up for the router basics class but was unable. I have signed up for the basics again but had to wait a couple of week to get into one.

Didn’t the last woodshop chair get ousted for wanting everyone to go through this much training? Or is that just a rumor.

Everyone that took the WSB class before a certain date this year is in the same boat. So was I. People keep moaning and complaining as if we are entitled to something here at DMS other than being able to get in the door with our badge. We’re not.

Could things be better planned here? Yes! Could things be better communicated? Yes! Could things be more efficient here? Yes! But moaning and complaining about it isn’t going to fix any of that. As mentioned above and in other threads, the issue is noted: the committee chairperson is aware of it, and there will eventually be a Woodshop Committee meeting where anyone who has a vested interest in Wood Shop matters is welcome to attend and voice their opinions and thoughts.

Despite calls to the contrary, continuing to moan and complain here is pointless. The horse is dead…stop beating it. If anyone wants better planning and communication and efficiency, move to Venezuela! If you choose to stay here, then show up, get involved, and help out. I suggest starting by cleaning or fixing something in the Wood Shop you didn’t mess up…

Don’t see a Woodshop cmte mtg on the calendar…when and where would you like us to come moan, complain and express our entitlement about not having to pay $5 for a class we’ve already taken? …in my case twice already because equipment I wanted to learn about was down. And yeah, as a member, I kinda resent paying for a demo class with a fee in place only as an attendance incentive. It’s just punative. Frankly, I don’t see how the safe operation of all of those tools can really be adequately addressed in a demo class with no hands-on component, but that’s me. Tapper’s EXCELLENT hands-on walk thru for the CNC router class last night was an amazing opportunity…many thanks for that! I would have happily paid for that class if for nothing more than to reimburse him for the MDF we used. I’d love to see and be willing to pay for a hands-on saw class to include the table, chop and band saws and maybe a joiner/planer/domino/sander hands-on for those machines or even a hands-on project build that uses most of the tools in the shop, like a small bookcase or something. If you wanna make sure people are being safe, get them actually using the tools before checking them out on them.

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I agree.
Stupid 20 character requirement

Watch out … that could be … Complaining!

lol…anyone who knows me well knows I am the crown prince of complaining :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:!

Although I like to think of it as editorializing.

Actually, the current woodshop basics class is a hands on class. We do spend quality time with the largest and most dangerous tools.


The class I took late last year was also hands on. I can’t imagine doing it without that component and being very successful.

Just to throw my 2 cents in, I have no issue retaking the class, just awaiting clarification if that’s the best course of action. I don’t want to take a spot that a newer member may need, if an alternative is approved by Woodshop Committee. Before the $5, people would sign up for multiple classes and not show up. It was a royal PITA from both sides of the equation. New members couldn’t find an open spot for months at a time, while sometimes only 1 or 2 people actually showed up. My class was hands on covering most of the equipment in the shop, and was after we had acquired the Saw Stop. While I am in limbo in registering for some classes, I have done my part by opening a ticket and speaking with Andrew. No one has said I can’t use the Woodshop, so I continue to use it. Is it annoying, yes, but I’d rather have a delay and request more router basics classes than see someone “grandfathered in” who hasn’t taken the class and ends up hurting themselves and others.

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This is exactly what everyone concerned or affected needs to do. Note the constructive actions involved and lack of “moaning and complaining”.

My apologies then. In both classes I took, we didn’t touch a thing and only 2 tools were actually demonstrated, they didn’t even turn the others on. Sounds like the new class may be worth the $5 and the time if those kinds of changes have been inacted. Thanks, for pointing that out, @Tapper.