Automotive air hose reel question

Is there a trick to get the hose reel in automotive to reel in? I’ve found it “stuck” out before, but today it was me that got it stuck and couldn’t get it to reel back in. I did say some Hail Marys and cleaned off the big green toolbox for penance…

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Which hose reel? The one by the desk or by the door?

The one above the blue toolbox and work bench.

There is a button on the hose you press to let it reel in.

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Thanks. If it happens again I’ll check it out.

It looks like this.


When I was helping a guy empty/blow out the Woodshop filter one day, I couldn’t get the hose to retract. He figured out that the reels were on a separate power strip-that was not switched on. We turned on long enough to retract the hose then turned it back off.