Adafruit Group Order #7 - Part II is Here!

I’m good with my tiny little ole order. Thanks for doing all of this Lampy! It is a great benefit of DMS membership.

Who doesn’t love discounts on cool stuff. Too bad I usually buy stuff that I never build. Is only going to get worse serving on the BoD.

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The last 3 adafruit group orders, I don’t think I’ve actually used any of the items I ordered. Adafruit hording is a real problem.

It is a little like the Radio Shack store closings. I bought stuff I had no idea what I was going to do with it or when I was going to use it, but it was on sale and going fast. Seriously discounted sales just drew me in. Robots, parts kits, arduino shields, soldering irons, a whole case of 12v batteris, every rechargeable AA and AAA battery they had. You get the picture. So when Adafruit order time comes around I HAVE TO BUY SOMETHING to take advantage of the discounts. You just have to right?

Yeah, I know that feeling. I have plenty of the Ethernet and SD card shields that I’ll never use.

If anyone needs some for $3 each, just let me know.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Electronics Garage Sale? Let’s Discuss!

Thanks for pulling this together, @lampy! I wasn’t expecting so much of a discount!


Here is my list:

2 64x32 RGB LED Matrix - 3mm pitch
1 Bus Pirate - BPv3.6 - v3.6
1 Bus pirate basic probe set
1 FTDI Friend + extras - v1.0
4 74LVC245 - Breadboard Friendly 8-bit Logic Level Shifter
4 4-channel I2C-safe Bi-directional Logic Level Converter - BSS138
1 Adafruit BMP280 I2C or SPI Barometric Pressure & Altitude Sensor
4 Silicone Elastomer 4x4 Button Keypad - for 3mm LEDs
4 Adafruit Trellis Monochrome Driver PCB for 4x4 Keypad & 3mm LEDs
1 Hackerspace passport
1 Mini Thermal Receipt Printer Starter Pack
1 USB Voltage Meter with OLED Display
1 Adafruit 1.2" 4-Digit 7-Segment Display w/I2C Backpack - Green

We are up to a Grand Total of $1,082.37

They discount most things they make 30%, others not so much. Items that they carry but don’t make much on, they don’t have a discount.

RGB Panels are an example. You have to get at QTY of 10 before a discount.

DMS members find the coolest things to order from Adafruit.

Since you’ve already looked these up I’d like to add them to my order. USB meter $14.00 Barometric sensor $7.00

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I agree, my favorite part of these threads is getting ideas for new toys from what other people have found.

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I have the USB meter you linked to. It is very cool being able to see how much some of my USB devices pull without having to do any interesting USB hacking… I get to use mine every few days on the job when checking out hardware as an IT guy… :smile:



@lampy did you add these to the order? I don’t see them on the spreadsheet.

Thanks. I’ll put the check in the locker no later than Monday.

Lampy, I’m going to bring in the check tomorrow. Can you tell me the amount? I don’t know if you got the last two items onto the list. [quote=“coloneldan, post:32, topic:8744”] USB meter $14.00 Barometric sensor $7.00

Let me know and I’ll slip it into the electronics locker? Where is the new one by the way?

@coloneldan I’ll get them on the list. The new electronics locker is in the new set of personal storage racks. When entering the break room the are on your left as the last column of that new rack.

I waited until today to for some items to come back in stock. The seem to add to inventory every Monday morning. Some items are still out of stock.

Can you let me know if I should hold another day or drop it and refund the difference?

Member Part ID Description QTY WANTED NOTES
@Raymond 1788 Adafruit “Music Maker” MP3 Shield for Arduino w/3W Stereo Amp - v1.0 0 1 OUT OF STOCK

@gimli 1833 USB Micro-B Breakout Board 0 3 OUT OF STOCK

@shawn_christian 2816 Raspberry Pi Zero Starter Pack - Includes Pi Zero 0 1 OUT OF STOCK

@rshill 2440 Analog RGBW LED Strip - RGB plus Cool White - 60 LED/m - ~6000K 0 1 OUT OF STOCK

@Dawsmart 2824 Adafruit NeoPixel Digital RGBW LED Strip - Black PCB 30 LED/m 4 12 INCOMPLETE STOCK

You could drop it and refund the difference in my case. If you do end up waiting a day, I would still be interested in obtaining the item. I don’t want to hold you up though. Thank you for doing all this!

I am okay with waiting until the next big order to pick up the Raspberry Pi Zero starter pack. I saw the IC extractor was getting to be low on stock the last time I checked over the weekend.