3D Printer Help Today?

Would anyone be around to help me setup some prints today?

~3pm would be ideal but I can come any time.

The printers require training. As a new member (of less then 3 hours), understand that you might get someone to volunteer to help, but you might not.

I understand, just hoping I encounter a generous member. I’ve read the pinned posts and looked at the calendar. I’m only in Dallas for a couple of weeks and there is no class during that period. @LisaSelk went over the rules with me.

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I can help you with prints, but I will only be to the makerspace after midnight. I hope someone in 3D fab can probably print for you (most people are helpful but not all are willing unfortunately).

Or if you give me the STL files to print, I can print them for you if you don’t want to learn.