Questions for candidates

First our little magazine rack in the commons room is about the extent of a library at the space I would like to see.

To answer your leadership question, its a loaded question. There are flaws to both of them.
The first one can leave things languishing and unfinished for an undetermined amount of time. This does not benefit the space as it can hamper other issues. I was a big proponent of the white shelves in front of electronics. I went and picked them up, but its almost 3 years now and the project still isn’t done. They are now filled with old books and junk and not a proper use of the space.

The flaw with the second system is that there is not a second person involved, but not every task needs to be driven by multiple people. I have been a part of the projects where someone just steamrolls it and you just stand there with no real sense of purpose. That isn’t good leadership, but if the goal is to get something done, it can work. The issue is when it effects others. Communication is the key.


You are right that a board member should be involved with some of those meetings but the contractors, plumbers and anything really to do with estimates should be able to be done by anyone.

Our “Maintenance” committee is infrastructure and I don’t think throwing more committees into the mix is the issue. It all comes back to communication and trust.


What makes you stand out above and beyond the other candidates?

I have a long history with DMS and I tend to work on large scale projects for DMS that’s what I do, I am usually the first one to come up with a grand plan and accomplish the goal and I do hope most of my projects stand the test of time. I can tell you that there are blockers along the way and I have just learned you can’t please everyone but as a majority of the people that volunteer know I go out of my way to protect you from the BS

Regarding our Class/Event and Honorarium approval processes, do you feel we are currently balancing our Mission Statement ( with what membership and the outlying community are interested in learning? If not, do you feel that our processes are currently too restrictive or not restrictive enough?

I feel like we are in a pretty good place we do hundreds of classes a year and we document them all. We used to focus a lot of the infrastructure and tools years ago. Paul Brown and I really started getting freaked out by an IRS audit because makerspaces have not been proven as a non profit entity in my experience. So we focused on a way to build more classes it was during that time I developed the honorarium program and personally I am extremely excited that it has lasted this long! I know it has had it’s fair share of critics but we are blowing away the number and quality of classes of other makerspaces including commercial ones.

As a Board Member - between the following two items - Would your focus be on saving money for a future move and/or unexpected expenses, or would it be focused on purchasing newer/bigger/better tools in the near future?

Money is a tool and should be used as such I think my past has shown I would rather focus on gaining members and less on savings we have approx 300K in cash if things went south that could be pulled from committee funds etc. but ultimately I feel like having a strong membership (Reoccuring Revenue) is a better case for financial responsibility than cash reserves

Management of Dallas Makerspace is always a “hot topic”. In your idea of a perfect solution, how would the “power” distribution of our community be handled ("Who has ‘final say’ on what items, etc…). The “players” in the solution include: “The Board”, “Committee Chairs” (or committees as a whole…), “The Membership” (via member votes, etc…), and possibly an “On Site Manager”. NOTE: If your plans include an “On Site Manager”, please elaborate with additional details such as expected duties, hours on site, etc…

I feel that the committee structure works well I think the structure allows for new people to assist before jumping into the deep end. I believe the BOD should act as an advisory role to a committee nothing is more upsetting than micromangment if there is an issue you remove the person and put in either someone else or you own it till someone else takes over

If you had to choose one of the following, do you feel that we should focus on “being the biggest and best” or “inter-committee projects and hackathons”?

Personally I think we have done a terrible job here, it’s hands down where we need the most improvement! @Brandon_Green has been absolutely the best at doing the hackathons and the large events such as the lemons car and trebuechet but as one of the largest makerspaces I would like to see us do more in this arena. I know one that I was a bit upset on was was the robot fighting league which is at Banana Raceway which is a great place but we should host sponsor and host the event I mean cmon were Dallas Makerspace @apipe I know has past experience with robots as well as the DPRG!

In your opinion, which types of agenda items should be included on Regular Member Meetings, and which should be included on Board of Directors Meetings?

Acceptable use policy for the forums should be at the member meetings. The BoD should handle capital expenses, direction and contracts

We are nearing 1500 members. What do you think the optimum number of members should be for our community?

I don’t think the answer is a number you can even guess, we have been very fortunate in that we have had great founders and volunteers that really put there blood, sweat and funds into DMS. to extend on that I believe we are do for an expansion and that’s something I hope to work on next year.

What will You do personally to encourage and ensure better new member experiences? I would like to give a shout out to @AlexRhodes and the PR team as well as Luis who IMO kicked butt this year on new member experiences. I used to be on every single tour for at least 3 years. This last year was the first year I could really count on the PR team to cover it and for that I am truly grateful though I do miss it sometimes, when you are talking to new members young and old who are in absolute amazement of what we have built it is truly a sight to be seen. I miss those tours

What is one of your major pet peeves about Dallas Makerspace? Members who send demand letters and threats to sue volunteers it’s a cowards game instead of working to solve the problem people sit on there laptop and criticize people that are working every day to make DMS a better place. Usually at the cost of there own personal projects and goals

Finally: Paint Booth or Not? Why or Why Not? If so, then where would you suggest it be located? Do you plan on sacrificing existing committee space(s)? What about the government regulations? And, since our lease does not allow storage of paint, how would that be handled?

No surprise here for me I am absolutely in favor of a paint booth! We have some of the best tooling available at any makerspace or even production shop for that matter but we have no finishing capabilities to me that is a huge fail on our front. There are some government regulations people need to be aware of but it’s not like they are sitting there out to kill you either. Alex and I called the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality earlier in the year and spoke with a very nice representative about our options and it appeared to me as absolutely doable we need to do some tracking but other than that it is not that big of deal. Space and Lease just takes some negotiation it should not be considered a blocker. Robert F. Kennedy said “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” I feel the same way there are a lot of people say that it’s impossible and it’s not doable to that I say get out of the way and let us try and fail as I would rather try and fail than fail to try.


Lisa, you’re never one for brevity. :wink:

What makes you stand out above and beyond the other candidates?

  • I am 6’4" …Really though. Each candidate has a strong area and a weak area. And I do to, just fewer of them. :slight_smile: . I don’t want to go negative and tell you every other persons weak area is. So this answer will have to do.

Regarding our Class/Event and Honorarium approval processes, do you feel we are currently balancing our Mission Statement ( with what membership and the outlying community are interested in learning? If not, do you feel that our processes are currently too restrictive or not restrictive enough?

  • I feel there has been a tendency to make classes more member only ever since the new calendar system allowed for that. The compliance classes need to be taught which are mainly member only. I would like to have most of those online as much as possible to free up those teachers for more advanced or project based classes that are open to the public.

As a Board Member - between the following two items - Would your focus be on saving money for a future move and/or unexpected expenses, or would it be focused on purchasing newer/bigger/better tools in the near future?

  • I think it would be a balance between the two. I think the savings should be a percentage of our revenue and whats left after that can go to tools. What that percentage is up for debate.

Management of Dallas Makerspace is always a “hot topic”. In your idea of a perfect solution, how would the “power” distribution of our community be handled ("Who has ‘final say’ on what items, etc…). The “players” in the solution include: “The Board”, “Committee Chairs” (or committees as a whole…), “The Membership” (via member votes, etc…), and possibly an “On Site Manager”. NOTE: If your plans include an “On Site Manager”, please elaborate with additional details such as expected duties, hours on site, etc.

  • This is one of those questions that is a damned if you do and damned if you don’t. If I say the board, then that means they can tell any chair what to do, like dispose of items. If I say the chairs, then when they dispose of an item you want the board to step in. While I believe the membership should have a say, they have their say at elections. The old saying of a camel is a horse designed by a committee comes to mind. If every decision had to be made by the members nothing would get done.

If you had to choose one of the following, do you feel that we should focus on “being the biggest and best” or “inter-committee projects and hackathons”?

  • I think you become the biggest and best by having inter committee projects and hackathons. But its hard work, to get those events going. I tried with parking day last year and couldn’t enough enthusiasm to make it what I had envisioned. You are more than welcome to try though.

In your opinion, which types of agenda items should be included on Regular Member Meetings, and which should be included on Board of Directors Meetings.

  • Member meetings should have status updates of the committees, introduce new members and hopefully gain interest on group projects.
  • BoD meetings should stick to capital purchases, committee requests, legal issues ( theft and such) and unfortunately discipline issues.

We are nearing 1500 members. What do you think the optimum number of members should be for our community?

  • No idea, but its a slippery slope if you start limiting people. Who gets in and who doesn’t?

What will You do personally to encourage and ensure better new member experiences?
I am working towards easier access to tools with the online system and tool classification. I have worked on the calendar system and hope to still be a part of that project. I have worked on the handbook that everyone should get when the sign up and do my best to keep that updated. I have given countless tours over the years to make sure proper expectations are set.

What is one of your major pet peeves about Dallas Makerspace?

  • The way some people interact on the fourms.

Finally: Paint Booth or Not? Why or Why Not? If so, then where would you suggest it be located? Do you plan on sacrificing existing committee space(s)? What about the government regulations? And, since our lease does not allow storage of paint, how would that be handled?

  • If someone else wants to take the lead on figuring out all those questions, I will support them, but it won’t be my priority.

That’s all the questions I plan on answering, People should come to the Meeting on Thursday.

edit: I realized I missed a question.


@Robert_Davidson & @AlexRhodes ~ Thank you both for taking the time to respond with thoughtful answers to not only the questions that I posted - but the ones posted by @Raymond & @Cairenn_Day as well.

I imagine having some idea of where the candidates stand on various issues will be helpful - especially for members who are not able to attend the Meet the Candidates meeting on Thursday.

Thanks again! :dms:

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Candidates, what is your position on protecting personal information (names, email, access times, messages, metadata, etc) of members and guests? If elected do you plan to request access to raw or non-anonymized data, and if so, for what purpose?

Previously some members have asked for non-anonymized data of various users of Talk. I fear that these requests were made with the intent of retailition or to have a chilling effect on usage of the forums. We’ve had at least two such requests to my knowledge, and while previous boards have agreed with protecting member privacy, I would like to be assured that candidates for the next board will uphold that standard.

As a long-time privacy activist, this issue is important to me.


What are your thoughts on the freebie shelf and are you for or against it?

While I have not really used the freebie shelf I recognize how it has been an important part of DMS for many members. I would not be opposed to the idea of another one starting as long as we had reliable volunteers to maintain it. But thats the key…volunteers run DMS and volunteers can get burnt out.

How do you see the board moving above the day-to-day operations and more into strategy for the future?

The growth DMS is seeing doesn’t seem to be slowing. A growth plan for 1, 2 and 5 years out should be a standard in any growing organization. Day to day operations are a part of this organization. If it needs to be done, its got to get done and the buck stops with the BoD.

More answers after a little sleep!


What makes you stand out above and beyond the other candidates? While I have a caring and nurturing nature I am not afraid to have any confrontations that need to happen. Tact and diplomacy are strong skills I have developed over the years as well as the ability to listen.

Regarding our Class/Event and Honorarium approval processes, do you feel we are currently balancing our Mission Statement ( with what membership and the outlying community are interested in learning?
Teaching is core to DMS. I believe it is the most important thing we do and can do for people. To that end we need to encourage future teachers to step up and volunteer. I like how the system benefits both teacher and committee but there is always room to fine tune it.

As a Board Member - between the following two items - Would your focus be on saving money for a future move and/or unexpected expenses, or would it be focused on purchasing newer/bigger/better tools in the near future?

Balance is the key word for me. With our history of growth we are going to have to expand at some point. at the same time we have repairs and purchases that are needed and wanted. You cannot have a successful long term organization without balancing the needs of the future with the needs of today.

Management of Dallas Makerspace is always a “hot topic”. In your idea of a perfect solution, how would the “power” distribution of our community be handled ("Who has ‘final say’ on what items, etc…). The “players” in the solution include: “The Board”, “Committee Chairs” (or committees as a whole…), “The Membership” (via member votes, etc…), and possibly an “On Site Manager”. NOTE: If your plans include an “On Site Manager”, please elaborate with additional details such as expected duties, hours on site, etc…

The membership of DMS votes in the BoD which has the final say so make sure you vote in a board you have confidence in to carry out the job. Committees have autonomy in their own areas and should stay that way unless a problem comes up that needs the BoD advise or attention. I believe the BoD should be quick to let the membership know that they are on top of an issue to be resolved.

If you had to choose one of the following, do you feel that we should focus on “being the biggest and best” or “inter-committee projects and hackathons”?
Biggest and Best sounds great but you really cant get to that point without utilizing all your skills and those would include working with other committees and group projects for the space.

In your opinion, which types of agenda items should be included on Regular Member Meetings, and which should be included on Board of Directors Meetings?

Membership meeting should be where any concerns or ideas can be discussed. From there, items that need action should be sent to the BoD meetings. Ideally, there should be a BoD meeting soon afterward to address the concerns of the membership

We are nearing 1500 members. What do you think the optimum number of members should be for our community?
What will You do personally to encourage and ensure better new member experiences?

Much of what I do now since it is very important to me. In depth orientation along with personal interaction getting to know our new members and empowering them to make DMS their own. I would also start a teacher recruitment program to help identify new teachers and keep volunteer burn out low.

What is one of your major pet peeves about Dallas Makerspace? The appearance of favoritism, whether real or perceived is a pet peeve of mine.

Finally: Paint Booth or Not? Why or Why Not? If so, then where would you suggest it be located? Do you plan on sacrificing existing committee space(s)? What about the government regulations? And, since our lease does not allow storage of paint, how would that be handled? There are times I have struggled with painting something outside and thought a paint booth would come in handy. But if it meant taking away a committee then I would not be a part of that.


This is a great question!

Never in the history of DMS have we had so many demands for members private information the year started off with demands for records that identify who members voted for to additional requests for personal emails, private messages, complaints. As secretary I feel it is my responsibility to protect the members from these questionable acts at best to a vendetta at worse. I set the stage for a fully outsourced voting system and I do hope in the future to fully migrate to a system where your confidentiality is maintained. I think it’s been pretty public that Walter and I are on completely diffrent sides of the table as he feels that he can just request any information about anyone and expect to get anything more than what is legally required and even that I believe we should implement a canary to report when data is shared.


The realist in me recognizes that there are ways to get a plethora of information you posess out there on the internet, but as a representative of DMS I would not be in favor of sharing private information. To that end, I would also be mindful that those that had access to personal information would be reevaluated yearly and kept to a minimum.


@Kriskat30 ~ Thanks for taking the time to respond with thoughtful answers to not only the questions that I posted - but others as well.

@Robert_Davidson ~ Thanks for continuing to respond to new questions that have been posted.

I imagine having some idea of where the candidates stand on various issues will be helpful - especially for members who are not able to attend the Meet the Candidates meeting on Thursday.

Thanks again! :dms:

Lisa pointed out I missed a question…my apologies!
We are nearing 1500 members. What do you think the optimum number of members should be for our community?

I dont think there should be a limit, but I think the growth rate needs to be balanced by making sure we have space for people to be members. Weekends are already feeling a bit crowded and options should be looked at with an eye to growth for the future.


Question #3: Do you think we need an employee? What responsibilities and authorities would that employee have while doing work for DMS? How will the employee’s performance be measured? What is the expected pay range for the employee?

Last year I would have said we need a greeter that just helps with billing and tours as well as maintenance. I have migrated over to if we could find the right person a shop foreman that can manage the repairs of equipment as well as someone that could maintain committee inventory levels and then most of all a teacher that would teach safety classes every night. I don’t have exact number but I would expect the membership churn is around 30-50 people a month. So that is 30-50 people that need to be trained on equipment. Performance would need to be built into operations numbers such as uptime of equipment and classes taught. I would expect the pay to be around $10-20 an hour.

It’s not that black and white and making it seem that way is counterproductive in my opinion.

I’m against a place to just leave garbage laying around. That’s what it was the overwhelming majority of the time. Anything useful would be gone in a few minutes. You wouldn’t believe the crap I’ve thrown away. A box of broken glass, dirty underwear, plastic container filled with mold, all kinds of nonsense.

I see the benefit if it functions as intended. People can learn from things left there, attempt repairs, integrate parts into their projects, etc. Let’s find a way to make that happen minus the bullshit.

This question makes too many assumptions for me to answer it in a meaningful way. I respectfully decline to answer this question. Feel free to rephrase it if you want.

The intent was to understand how a candidate sees the board evolving. Currently it seems to be more mired in the day-to-day operations aspects without much visible strategy for long term planning. What can you do as a candidate to influence the changes necessary to make the board a true executive group instead of a management group?


What are your thoughts on the Freebie Shelf and are you for or against it?

I like, use, and helped maintain the Freebie Shelf. There are issues. I can see those issues being resolved with a committee specifically managing the Freebie Shelf. The Freebie Shelf was a positive community sharing experience for me. I brought my extra stuff and took home other people’s extra stuff. I support the return of the Freebie Shelf.

How do you see the board moving above the day-to-day operations and more into strategy for the future?

I do not perceive it can be an either/or circumstance. The Board of Directors has to maintain the space as well as plan for future income, additional space, and membership growth.

I think the current system runs the Board pretty ragged. What worked 7 years ago needs to be tuned to what will work today. We can look to other makerspaces and other 501©3 organizations and borrow their best choices. Our Board needs to be more “executive” in structure.

I think there are discussions that can be shifted to the membership meetings and disciplinary actions shifted away from the Board, except for final “executive” approval.

I look forward to serving on the Board, if elected. I would prefer that it not be 40 hours a week.

Candidates, what is your position on protecting personal information (names, email, access times, messages, metadata, etc) of members and guests? If elected do you plan to request access to raw or non-anonymized data, and if so, for what purpose?

I want strong data privacy.

DMS does not need to be leaking data or be a source for external data mining.

Full data access should be limited and monitored.

With current events, this might need to formally visited and have additional by laws added.

We need an initiative to keep our members anonymous while using the internet.

For internal DMS data analysis, it should be stripped of all personal identifying information. Counting how many people attended different training classes is fine. Knowing the date and time a specific individual attended is not necessary. Any requests like that would be declined.

Any DMS member caught selling or giving away membership information would be up for disciplinary action with the possibility of criminal charges if warranted.

What makes you stand out above and beyond the other candidates?

I have a strong work ethic. I will work with due diligence on any tasks I am responsible for. Also, my work background, I have been involved with several non-profits and I have owned and run a small business since 1987.

Regarding our Class/Event and Honorarium approval processes, do you feel we are currently balancing our Mission Statement ( with what membership and the outlying community are interested in learning? If not, do you feel that our processes are currently too restrictive or not restrictive enough?

I think the current system works pretty well.

There are always opportunities to streamline the system. Easier class creation and faster payment to instructors are two areas.

I would like to see more outside instructors teaching more diverse topics. This takes a team recruiting and managing those instructors.

As a Board Member - between the following two items - Would your focus be on saving money for a future move and/or unexpected expenses, or would it be focused on purchasing newer/bigger/better tools in the near future?

I am someone who is fiscally conservative.

I want to save for the future (5-15%), and once that is covered, buy what the members want and need & those items should be purchased at the best price. I know some of what we buy is unique and other items are purchased at the lowest price. I would like to ensure that the lowest price practice is used as often as possible.

Management of Dallas Makerspace is always a “hot topic”. In your idea of a perfect solution, how would the “power” distribution of our community be handled ("Who has ‘final say’ on what items, etc…). The “players” in the solution include: “The Board”, “Committee Chairs” (or committees as a whole…), “The Membership” (via member votes, etc…), and possibly an “On Site Manager”. NOTE: If your plans include an “On Site Manager”, please elaborate with additional details such as expected duties, hours on site, etc…

Members as a group, always have final say.

The Board of Directors is next.

Then Committee Chairs.

Finally, individual DMS members.

If you had to choose one of the following, do you feel that we should focus on “being the biggest and best” or “inter committee projects and hackathons”?

This is a cart and horse question. If DMS brings out the best in our members, ie projects and hackathons. What will follow is a space that people want to be at, that will grow our membership and that means we will need more space. This is accomplished by fostering community, personal excellence, and amazing educational experiences.

In your opinion, which types of agenda items should be included on Regular Member Meetings, and which should be included on Board of Directors Meetings?

The biggest change would be to have Membership Meetings be for discussion and Board Meetings be for approval.

We are nearing 1500 members. What do you think the optimum number of members should be for our community?

I would like to see us grow more in membership and overall space size. There is a limit to how many people can be at the current address. We experienced the same issue at Ladybird. There are moments, now, it is starting to feel crowded and moments that our current space is plenty.

I do not want more members or additional space for bragging rights. I want more members to join because they like what our community is doing.and want to be part of it.

What will You do personally to encourage and ensure better new member experiences?

This is referenced in my Statement of Intent. I would like to see new members have a 90-day plan of activities at DMS. This would help them “fit in” and give them a place to start. It would also help set their expectations on what they can accomplish. Do they want to sample lots of different classes or deep dive into 1 machine? If we checked in with them once a month we would have a temperature check on how they were doing.

What is one of your major pet peeves about Dallas Makerspace?

As a community, some days we are absolutely stunningly brilliant and the next day we cannot seem to tie our shoe.

Finally: Paint Booth or Not? Why or Why Not? If so, then where do you suggest it be located? Do you plan on sacrificing existing committee space(s)? What about the government regulations? And, since our lease does not allow storage of paint, how would that be handled?

No to a Paint Booth, in this space. It takes too much room, which we are running short of. There is the nasty overspray issue. The post spraying fumes give killer headaches. As well as regulations issues and lease issues.


I’m not a candidate for BoD this round but let me share some perspective:

I know each of the current board members and I can tell you they work very hard for you. We are far from perfect but doing the greatest good with the time and effort we have. DMS has been built on great ideas and work of many people starting way back with DPRG and our founding members.

Choose the candidates that represent what you want in a makerspace. There is a nice slate of people wanting to commit their time and energy to DMS. Good luck to all the candidates, look forward to working with you from the other side.


Can you please elaborate on your ideas to make class creation easier than it is today?

My biggest complaint about the previous system has been fixed. The end time is initialized to be one hour after the start time instead of the time you are submitting the class. Who ever thought the old way was a good idea?

True that quite a bit of information is requested, but it is needed so that the admins and auditors can decide whether the class or event is acceptable and to make payment to you and a committee if honorarium is requested. If you teach a class for a subsequent time, you may opt to copy the information from the previous class instead of having to enter it all again.

I grew up surrounded by educators. My Mom was a teacher and my Dad was a principal. One of my sister’s is a teacher. Cousins galore are or were in education. Most of my parent’s friends were educators. I was a computer classroom instructor for 6 years. I have participated in many conversations about education.

The classroom scheduling software has been in transition​ since I became a member. It has had many challenges. If you and your committee are satisfied with it, I am good.

What I want, for DMS, is a reputation in DFW as a place to receive high quality and amazing training. A destination for a great training experience.

What I want, for instructors, is to have a great experience teaching at DMS. That means having their courses approved, their classroom ready, courses scheduled, great students, and them being paid on time.

Saying this is in no way negative commentary on how things are working today. It is a commitment to educational excellence at DMS.

Finally, teaching classes is core to DMS and meeting our 501©3 charter.